Become A Top Listing Agent

“I’m finally making the money I thought I would make when I got into the business”

Amanda M. A2S Agent

There is a narrative/expectation in the industry that you must constantly chase new business. 

Think about what you are expected to do: 

-Get a website and force people to register, then start a relentless follow-up campaign only to have 99% of these "leads" get annoyed and reject you. Not to mention the fact that all you get is even more buyers that you can't find houses for. 

 -Or even better, you can buy leads from Zillow,, and a host of other sites.  Pay thousands every month for the chance to chase leads which countless other Realtors are already working.  Constantly trying to find a new sneaky way to "snag" them before someone else does. 

-Then there's the upstream sites/services like upnest, clever,, and many others.  Pay a 25-30% referral fee for the "opportunity" to cut your commission and compete with 6-8-10 or more agents that are all lowering their commissions to try and get the deal away from you. 

It's time to stop the madness!  Quit chasing the next lead and start attracting real homeowners who are ready to get their homes sold.

What would it feel like for homeowners to call you directly requesting your services? 

Would you rather have 100 "leads" or 1 direct phone call from homeowners who ask you to come over and list their home?  

Do you want 10-15 "opportunities" to compete against a crowd of agents for a listing, or 1 homeowner who visits your website and sets up a listing appointment for tomorrow?

Do you want to send texts to 200 confused homeowners, or get 1 text from a homeowner ready to sell?

Yes, chasing business is tough and no fun. 

The good news is you can cut out the middlemen and provide world-class value and service direct to clients.  We'll show you how. 

Our value-driven “Full Service with $avings!” business model saves homeowners money and generates more interest and business for agents like you. 

So stop wasting your time chasing business, and focus on changing your business to attract more. 

The first step is to schedule a call so you so you can get started attracting more real business.